We are pleased to announce the merger of Brian W. Eschenburg, CPA and Gregory J. Randazzo, CPA and the acquisition of the former firm of Willis G. Clark, CPA. It officially took place on December 1, 2011, and our combined firm will operate as Randazzo, Eschenburg & Associates, PLLC. The merger combines the former clients of Midwest Accounting, P.C. and Hantz, Randazzo & Associates, LLC with those of Willis G. Clark, CPA and Brian W. Eschenburg, CPA.
Gregory J. Randazzo, CPA began his professional career in 1981 and formed his professional practice in 1992 as Midwest Accounting, P.C. On February 1, 2008, Midwest Accounting, P.C. formed an alliance with Hantz Tax and Business, LLC, a subsidiary of The Hantz Group, Southfield, Michigan, and operated as Hantz, Randazzo & Associates, LLC.
Brian W. Eschenburg, who attended Walsh College alongside Gregory Randazzo, began his career 30 years ago. After practicing with a large local firm Brian began his professional practice nearly 20 years ago, and his firm has grown substantially since that time.
Willis G. Clark made a difficult decision to retire. For over 40 years in practice he has enjoyed being of service to his clients and considers all of them friends as well as clients. Willis is very pleased that Brian Eschenburg and Gregory Randazzo have come forward to take over his practice. He has worked alongside of Brian for over 15 years and Greg for several years.